Adult education classes Currently in Session

Register on-line or contact us at 804-769-1151 for classes in the service area.

Student Portal

Student Portal

Access to On-line Homework
and Course Information:



No money? No Problem! All classes are free along with free textbooks, supplies, and internet in our facilities.



Services are offered to adults over 18 that live in the counties of Essex, Gloucester, King & Queen, King William, Mathews, Middlesex, & the Town of West Point

Did You Know...

Everybody can be great

Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.

Martin Luther King, Jr (Personal Mantra - Edith Turner)

GED Test Schedule

GED Test Schedule

Middle Peninsula Residents may test at any GED Testing Center in Virginia

For GED®Testing Information,
to register for the test,
or to request copies of certificates or transcripts:


Local Test Center is located at:

T.C. Walker Education Center
6099 T.C. Walker Road, Gloucester, VA

Featured Posts

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This area is for news and other information and can be updated and changed regularly.


Information coming soon to this spot.